Gallery of creative customers

For all the years that I have been designing accessories, one of the things that has given me the greatest pleasure is seeing my designs in real life. Of course, before designing knitwear I designed bridal and special occasion hair accessories and jewellery and to know that something I designed and spent days and even weeks creating was going to be part of someone’s special day was quite an honour. And then to be sent a picture of my client wearing my work on that very special day was always a very moving and humbling experience. Even seeing my work on catwalks or in magazine photoshoots or even on the television could be quite emotional.

And to be very honest with you, I didn’t think that I would feel the same way about seeing my knitting patterns being made up by customers. I always thought the sense of pride I felt previously came from the fact that because I had designed and physically made the accessory, I was putting part of me out there for the world to see. But whilst that was part of it…and it really was something to be celebrated and something of which I am so, so proud…it ended there. That accessory may never be worn again, that magazine may never be read again, that programme may never be watched again.

Something For The Weekend using Into The Woods by Skeinhawk Yarns

But with my knitting patterns I discovered that whilst I still design and create the pattern, whilst I still knit up my pattern samples, that is only part of the magic! Because the real magic comes when my creative customers take my pattern and create something of their very own. Their yarn choices and their creative skills (whatever level they are) transform my pattern into something that I may not have even considered. They have made something personal to them. They may make several versions of the pattern that are all unique to them. And to see that creativity is more moving and humbling than anything I have experience in my 20 years of designing.

And to celebrate all this wonderful creativity, I have begun to curate a Gallery of Creative Customers where I add images of customer projects that use any Suzanne Ellsmore Designs pattern. And not only is this a celebration of those projects, but it’s also an inspirational source for other knitters to see my patterns in different yarn colours and textures and to potentially discover new dyers, yarn companies and even fibres. This all just helps to bring together this wonderful yarn crafting community of ours.

Now obviously to keep adding images of my fabulous customers’ makes, I need more images. So if you have knitted up one of my patterns and you would like your hard work to be featured in this gallery, simply send me an image via email or DM me on Instagram. And if your image is featured you will receive a 20% off voucher code to be used against any Suzanne Ellsmore Designs pattern as a little thank you. Full t&cs can be found here

I really can’t wait to see all your future creativity, and I hope you find this celebration of your work to be as fun and helpful as I hope it to be.

Until next time, happy knitting!


A Beginner’s Guide to Hand Dyed Yarn


Let’s Start at the Very beginning…