The HogS Swatch Cowl Kit

Once the Hogs Swatch seed had been planted, I spent a little time debating whether this would actually work. I remember wandering around Leeds thinking it may have been a daft idea, but after a while the play on words had become a “swatched” cowl and I was thinking about kits and maybe a KAL.

I was still about concerned about whether I was just having an insane moment so I decided to message Naomi from Skeinhawk Yarns who is just as big a pun aficionado as I am. After asking her if I was mad and being told no I wasn’t, I then tentatively asked her if she might like to dye a limited number of kits for this venture. Thankfully she agreed!

And so over the next few months, a few ideas were floated back and forth regarding logistics before I sent her the cover picture of Hogfather and basically said, “like this with a blue background, snowy stuff and piggy pink and red with a festive touch” And, by Jove, I think she got it!

It was amazing to see what I had in my head actually come to life with these colourways and I know how much work Naomi put into achieving these incredible dyes. And not just working out the dyes but recreating them far more times than either of us expected as the kits flew off the shelves 4 days after launch and we then had to decide whether it was physically possible for Naomi to recreate any more. Dyeing yarn is intensive physically! But a few more were released and snapped up again with alacrity.

And now these kits containing ‘Everything starts somewhere,’ ‘Binky in the snow,’ and ‘The Hogfather’s Sleigh’ are being delivered all over the world by The Hogfather (various postal services) in readiness for the Hogs Swatch Cowl KAL that starts on New Years Day. Will you be joining in with the kit yarns or your own colourways? More information is coming soon…


The Background


The Hogs Swatch Cowl Pattern